Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Portrait Transformation

                                                                              For my portrait transformation there wasn't a specific concept I had in mind although when I started working on it more and experimenting with different ideas and filters and tools I liked the idea of using the paintings in the background and making those larger to have them stand out. I thought it would be cool to make her the actual photographs in the frames and then by adding different effects I could use them to represent her in different ways.

Friday, December 19, 2014


If I had to be a font, I would probably be this one:
I chose this one because it's very simple yet elegant. There isn't much going on but it's not too plain. I like the contrast between the thick and thin lines and the spacing between the lettes. Its very clean and I think it's a very universal font that one could use for a variety of things. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


My favorite logo that I own is Adidas because the design is really simple but very appealing. Its something memorable and something that I wouldn't mind having on my belongings.

A logo that I've never seen before but really like is the Seasun Production logo because the colors and overall design are very soothing. There is a lot going on but not to the point where it's distracting or over done. Everything fits well together; also the colors.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Explore GIF

Reflection Questions

    • The most frustrating aspect of the project for me was starting the animation and switching between my layers for each frame. It was difficult having to transform each layer for each frame so that they were all different. The work was extremely tedious but the end result made it worth it. 
    • After completing the project, I feel a lot more comfortable using the different brush tools and the bucket tool. I used them the most throughout the project and playing around with the opacity, shapes, brush sizes and colors also allowed me to get better at using those tools.
    • I wish I was better at using the lasso and marquee tools and playing around with the different selections. I would always have a hard time figuring out which selection I needed to be using and how to use it to help me with my work.
    • There is a lot more I would like to do with photoshop but I think making another gif would be interesting but going a little more into it and expanding my idea. It would definitely require a lot more time and hard work but to see the end result would be very exciting because it's unlike a lot of work I've done. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Alexey Brodovitch

Alexey Brodovitch:

Alexey Brodovitch was born in Russia in 1971 to a very wealthy family. With no art experience, he had the intention of enrolling himself in the imperial art academy. After the Russian Civil War, the Brodovitch family made their way to Paris. Alexey first wanted to become a painter but after being exposed to different design movements such as Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism and the Bauhaus design, he became inspired to become a designer. Throughout his early artist years, he created layouts for a lot of different people and companies. Brodovitch was then discovered by Harper’s Bazaar in which he became the art director for the magazine for 24 years. With a strong knowledge of photography, Brodovitch transformed the magazine with his elegant and fresh designs. He experimented with different designs and layouts that often hadn’t been seen during the 20th century yet. He changed American magazine design forever by introducing European modernism into his work which created such elegant designs that told stories and gave powerful messages. His work inspired many artists all throughout the world.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Inspiration

My parents have always been a huge inspiration to me and I look up to them in so many ways. They have always been so devoted and hard working in a way I've never seen before. Having lived in 4 different countries, I feel extremely privileged to have seen so much of the world and been exposed to so many different cultures since I was little. My parents will always be a huge inspiration to my life, but traveling is something that inspires me in almost a magical way. It's really incredible how big our world is and how diverse it is. As much as I have traveled in my life there is so much out there that I have yet to see. To see different countries and meet different people is such an amazing thing that I want to continue doing in the future. Although most of my family lives in Denmark, I also have family in Spain and Brazil. This summer, after 7 years, we went back to visit Spain. My grandfather was from the very south of Spain near Granada so we took a road trip to Seville and down the tip to Tarifa. I fell completely in love with Seville and it's beauty and I hope to go back very soon!

Letter Project Reflection

When I first heard of the letter project I honestly had no idea what I would be doing but once we started brainstorming and coming up with different ideas based off of the letter we had chosen, a lot of different ideas popped into my head. I chose the letter C, not only because it's the first letter of my name but I was born in Copenhagen so those were two major parts of my identity that contributed to the letter C. A lot of my thumbnail sketches were focused around different things that I liked that started with the letter C. I then realized that I wanted to go in a different direction, I wanted to really portray something that was important about me and something I'm extremely passionate about. I chose travel to be my main idea, but more specifically Australia. I have lived in many places but Australia (specifically Sydney) is my favorite place in the entire world. I wanted to represent my love for travel and Australia in my letter. I decided to do a collage because I had a travel magazine at home that I knew had a lot of beautiful pictures from around the world and Australia. My favorite animal is also a koala bear and as they sleep and hang in trees for most of the day, I thought it would be a cute idea to have one hanging on the top of my letter, to almost make the letter come to life. The most challenging part of the project for me was deciding how I wanted to place and sort the pictures out on the letter. I wanted it to sort of flow and look natural, not geometric and perfectly cut. I cut the edges of my photos so they were more round and placed them on the letter, overlapping each other. I also cut out small pictures of flowers and a globe to place on top of the pictures. If I could change something about my design I would probably take pictures I have at home and use them instead. I think this would make the project a lot more personal as they are my own photos from my life.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Hello, my name is Claudia Perez and I am 18 years old. I was born and raised in Denmark and lived in Switzerland and Australia before moving to New York in 2007. I don't have many hobbies but ever since I've been little I have had a huge interest in traveling. I have traveled a lot in my life and hope to continue that in the future. My favorite TV show is lost and I don't have a favorite movie but I really enjoy a good, suspenseful thriller. My favorite music artist is Jack Johnson. His music is extremely relaxing and calming to listen to and I actually attended his concert in June! You should expect to see cool stuff