Saturday, October 4, 2014

Letter Project Reflection

When I first heard of the letter project I honestly had no idea what I would be doing but once we started brainstorming and coming up with different ideas based off of the letter we had chosen, a lot of different ideas popped into my head. I chose the letter C, not only because it's the first letter of my name but I was born in Copenhagen so those were two major parts of my identity that contributed to the letter C. A lot of my thumbnail sketches were focused around different things that I liked that started with the letter C. I then realized that I wanted to go in a different direction, I wanted to really portray something that was important about me and something I'm extremely passionate about. I chose travel to be my main idea, but more specifically Australia. I have lived in many places but Australia (specifically Sydney) is my favorite place in the entire world. I wanted to represent my love for travel and Australia in my letter. I decided to do a collage because I had a travel magazine at home that I knew had a lot of beautiful pictures from around the world and Australia. My favorite animal is also a koala bear and as they sleep and hang in trees for most of the day, I thought it would be a cute idea to have one hanging on the top of my letter, to almost make the letter come to life. The most challenging part of the project for me was deciding how I wanted to place and sort the pictures out on the letter. I wanted it to sort of flow and look natural, not geometric and perfectly cut. I cut the edges of my photos so they were more round and placed them on the letter, overlapping each other. I also cut out small pictures of flowers and a globe to place on top of the pictures. If I could change something about my design I would probably take pictures I have at home and use them instead. I think this would make the project a lot more personal as they are my own photos from my life.


  1. I really liked your idea about including Australia/travel as your focus point. If you were to continue the alphabet, you could see how each letter reminds you of a place in the world.

  2. Very outstanding background content about you actual project! I think with this content you have just made your project more impactful and STRONG. I feel like from this project i have a better understanding of who you are as a person. Very well done!

  3. I thought it was very BRAVE of you to try collage, rather than just drawing YOU GO chica

  4. your letter was really great. I love the background story since it makes it very personal and unique. I love how you made it related to you and your interests. It kind of gives your letter a personality. Good job with the collaging.

  5. Its cool how your letter has more to do about a concept relating to you instead of the concept of a letter. Which were mixed very well !

  6. I think the way you expressed your letter was very creative. It was also nice to see that you tried something different when creating the project by doing a collage. The collage intrigued me way more and I enjoyed looking at your artwork.
