Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Alexey Brodovitch

Alexey Brodovitch:

Alexey Brodovitch was born in Russia in 1971 to a very wealthy family. With no art experience, he had the intention of enrolling himself in the imperial art academy. After the Russian Civil War, the Brodovitch family made their way to Paris. Alexey first wanted to become a painter but after being exposed to different design movements such as Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism and the Bauhaus design, he became inspired to become a designer. Throughout his early artist years, he created layouts for a lot of different people and companies. Brodovitch was then discovered by Harper’s Bazaar in which he became the art director for the magazine for 24 years. With a strong knowledge of photography, Brodovitch transformed the magazine with his elegant and fresh designs. He experimented with different designs and layouts that often hadn’t been seen during the 20th century yet. He changed American magazine design forever by introducing European modernism into his work which created such elegant designs that told stories and gave powerful messages. His work inspired many artists all throughout the world.

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