Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Explore GIF

Reflection Questions

    • The most frustrating aspect of the project for me was starting the animation and switching between my layers for each frame. It was difficult having to transform each layer for each frame so that they were all different. The work was extremely tedious but the end result made it worth it. 
    • After completing the project, I feel a lot more comfortable using the different brush tools and the bucket tool. I used them the most throughout the project and playing around with the opacity, shapes, brush sizes and colors also allowed me to get better at using those tools.
    • I wish I was better at using the lasso and marquee tools and playing around with the different selections. I would always have a hard time figuring out which selection I needed to be using and how to use it to help me with my work.
    • There is a lot more I would like to do with photoshop but I think making another gif would be interesting but going a little more into it and expanding my idea. It would definitely require a lot more time and hard work but to see the end result would be very exciting because it's unlike a lot of work I've done. 


  1. I feel the struggle that you went thorough. What a thoughtful reflection you foretold. I adore the moment of the man through some of the world, it is meaningful for that that the man can ever see the whole world.

  2. I really like your concept of exploring the earth as you are walking on it. I also struggle with the layers and making sure I have my drawings transform in each layer.

  3. Your concept is so different yet is represented so well! I especially love how the stick-figure is actually running. Great job!!

  4. I can the concept of a person exploring different places of the world. I like your concept because I also want to travel different places in the future.
